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清理Redis Java: Automated Expiration Cleanup(redisjava过期)

网络编程 清理Redis Java: Automated Expiration Cleanup(redisjava过期) 09-21

Redis is a popular in-memory data store that is used to store key-value pairs and make them available quickly. It is often used as a cache store to improve overall application performance. However, its efficacy can be reduced if it is not regularly cleaned up and maintained. Redis does offer a limited form of expiration, making its data available for a set amount of time, but it does not provide an automated way to clean expired entries from the Redis store.

Fortunately, Redis does provide several APIs we can use in Java to write our own custom expiration-removal process. The first step is to query the Redis store for all keys. This can be done using the Redis keys command. We can then loop through each key, use the TTL (time-to-live) command to check if the key has expired, and if so, delete it using the del command.

The code below shows a simple example of how to implement an automated expiration-removal process in Java. The code connects to the local Redis server, queries the store for all keys, and then uses the TTL command to check if each key has expired. If the key has expired, it is deleted using the del command.


// Setup connection to Redis server

Jedis jedis = new Jedis(“localhost”);

// Query Redis store for all keys

Set keys = jedis.keys(“*”);

// Loop through each key and check if it has expired

for (String key : keys) {

// Check if key has expired

Long ttl = jedis.ttl(key);

if (ttl

// Key has expired, delete it




// Close connection


By using this code, we can automate the process of cleaning expired Redis entries and improve overall performance over time. It is important to note, however, that this process may significantly reduce performance while it runs if the Redis store is large; it is best to schedule it to run during off-peak times or on a different server to avoid this issue.

We can also use the Redis scan command which is more efficient than the keys command, as it does not need to load all keys into memory. It is also possible to use the Redis expire command, which allows us to set an expiration time when we create the entry in the Redis store, to avoid the need for an automated expiration-removal process altogether.

In summary, Redis does not provide an automated way to remove expired entries from the store, but we can create our own process to clean up expired entries, improving the overall performance of the store over time. Additionally, we can use the Redis scan command and the expire command to make the process more efficient.

