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Mastering the Art of Linux Input: 25 Essential Shortcuts and Commands(linux输入)

网络编程 Mastering the Art of Linux Input: 25 Essential Shortcuts and Commands(linux输入) 10-09

The Linux terminal has been around for decades, but it’s still one of the most powerful and versatile tools in an operating system user’s toolkit. Not only can you type and execute commands to perform complex tasks, but you can also use it to execute programs, write scripts, and more.

The power of the Linux terminal lies in its ability to enable the user to quickly and easily perform tasks with little to no effort. But in order to really tap into the Linux terminal’s potential, one must first learn how to use it.

Fortunately, mastering the Linux terminal can be easy with just 25 essential commands and shortcuts. With just these shortcuts and commands, you can do everything from navigating your system to executing powerful scripts.

Here are the top 25 essential commands and shortcuts for mastering the Linux terminal:

1. Tab Autocomplete: The Tab key can be used to autocomplete file and folder paths in Linux, making it easy to traverse your file system quickly.

2. ls: This command list all the files located in the current directory.

3. cd: This command is used to change directories.

4. cp: This command is used to copy files and folders in the terminal.

5. mkdir: This command is used to create a new directory.

6. mv: This command can be used to move or rename files and folders.

7. clear: This command clears the screen, making it easier to see the output of your commands.

8. pwd: This command prints your current working directory.

9. cat: This command is used to view the contents of a file.

10. grep: This command is used to search for patterns in files or a standard input.

11. find: This command is used to locate files and folders in the system.

12. sort: This command is used to sort the lines of a file.

13. head: This command displays the beginning of a file.

14. tail: This command displays the end of a file.

15. less: This command enables you to view files one page at a time.

16. uniq: This command eliminates duplicates from a file.

17. wc: This command counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file.

18. rm: This command deletes a file.

19. chmod: This command is used to set the permission levels of a file.

20. tar: This command is used to archive files.

21. grep -r: This command searches for a pattern in all the files of a directory.

22. chown: This command is used to change the user associated with a file.

23. sudo: This command grants superuser privileges to execute a command.

24. history: This command displays a list of recent commands that have been typed in the terminal.

25. man: This command provides help and information about other commands.

With these essential commands and shortcuts, you can quickly and easily use the Linux terminal to navigate, execute programs, and automate tasks. But that’s just the beginning. With some practice and a bit of research, you can continue to expand your knowledge of the Linux terminal, unlocking its even greater potential.

