Linux上的强大工具:Rockmongo (linux rockmongo)
Rockmongo is a powerful tool for Linux that allows users to manage their MongoDB database with ease. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a beginner, this tool is a must-have when it comes to working with MongoDB. In this article, we’ll explore what makes Rockmongo so great and how you can use it to get the most out of your databases.
What is Rockmongo?
Rockmongo is an open-source web-based administration tool for MongoDB. It was originally released as a PHP-based application in 2023, but has since been rewritten in JavaScript, which has made it even more powerful and user-friendly. The tool provides an easy-to-use interface for manipulating databases, collections, and documents, as well as managing users, indexes, and more.
What are the benefits of Rockmongo?
One of the major benefits of Rockmongo is its simplicity. The tool is very easy to install and use, even if you are new to MongoDB. The interface is intuitive and requires no programming knowledge, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
Another benefit of Rockmongo is its flexibility. The tool can be customized to match your specific needs and preferences, allowing you to create a personalized development environment. You can also create and manage multiple users, each with their own level of access to your databases.
Rockmongo also offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for managing MongoDB databases. These features include:
– Easy import and export of data
– Support for MongoDB sharding and replica sets
– Ability to run custom queries and commands
– Real-time data visualization with charts and graphs
How to Install Rockmongo on Linux
Installing Rockmongo on Linux is a strghtforward process. Here’s an overview of the steps:
Step 1: Install MongoDB
Before you can install Rockmongo, you need to have MongoDB installed on your Linux machine. You can follow the installation instructions provided by the official MongoDB documentation.
Step 2: Install Rockmongo
Once you have MongoDB installed, you can install Rockmongo by downloading the latest version from the official GitHub repository:
git clone
You can then copy the files to your web server directory:
sudo cp -r rockmongo /var/www/html/
Step 3: Configure Rockmongo
Once the files have been copied to your web server directory, you can configure the settings by creating a configuration file:
sudo nano /var/www/html/rockmongo/config.php
You can then configure the settings to match your MongoDB installation, including the database name, username, and password.
Step 4: Access Rockmongo
Once you have configured the settings, you can access Rockmongo by entering the URL in your web browser:
You will then be prompted to log in with your MongoDB credentials.
In conclusion, Rockmongo is a powerful tool that makes it easy to manage your MongoDB databases on Linux. Its flexibility and ease of use make it an ideal tool for both experienced developers and beginners. With its wide range of features and real-time data visualization, it has become a must-have tool for anyone working with MongoDB. If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a try – you won’t be disappointed!
- mongodb有没有免费的类似ops manager 管理工具
mongodb有没有免费的类似ops manager 管理工具
RockMongo 是一个PHP5写的MongoDB管理工具。
使用宽松的New BSD License协议
服务器信息 (WEB服务器, PHP, PHP.ini相关指令 …)
phpMoAdmin 是一个用 PHP 开发的在线 MongoDB 管理工具,可用于创建、删除和修改数据库和索引,提供视图和数据搜索工具,提供数据库启动时间和内存的统计,支持 ON 格式数据的导入导出。
Nothing to configure – place the moadmin.php file anywhere on your site and it just works!
Fast AJAX-driven XHTML 1.1 interface operates consistently in every browser!
Self-contained in a single 95kb file!
Works on any version of PHP5 with the MongoDB NoSQL database & Mongo PHP driver.
Enter into the single art-search box:
Plain text
(type-casted) value
Text with * wildcards
Regular Expressions (regex)
ON (with Mongo-operators enabled!)
Includes multiple design themes to choose from
Super flexible – option to query MongoDB using ON or PHP-array syntax
Import/export data in ON format
Insert only new records
Save / upsert (adds & overwrites)
Update only pre-existing records
Batch-Insert until a duplicate is found
Export full collections
Export the results of any query
Import can:
Textareas can be resized by dragging/枝槐stretching the lower-right corner.
E_STRICT PHP code is formatted to the Zend Framework coding standards + fully-documented in the phpDocumentor DocBlock standard.
Instructional error messages – phpMoAdmin can be used as a PHP-Mongo connection debugging tool
Option to enable password-protection for one or more users; to
activate protection, just add the username-password(s) to the array at
the top of the file.
UMongo是一个基于Java的GUI应用程序,可以浏览和管理MongoDB的集群。它是可用于猛槐友Linux,Windows和Mac OSX。
connect to a single server, a replica set, or a MongoS instance
DB ops: create, drop, authenticate, command, eval, …
Collection ops: create, rename, drop, find, insert, save, …
Document ops: update, duplicate, remove, …
Index ops: create, drop, …
Shard ops: enable sharding, add shard, shard collection, …
GUI Document builder
Import / Export data from database to local files in ON, BSON, CSV format.
Support for query options and write concerns (getLastError)
Display of numerous stats (server status, db stats, replication info, etc)
Mongo tree refreshes to have a real time view of cluster (servers up/down, durability, etc)
All operations are executed in background to keep UI responsive
Background threads can repeat commands automatically
GUI is identical on all OS
它可以安成一个 Ruby gem 或作为一个单独的PHP脚本。
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