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MySQL Error number: 3666; Symbol: ER_WRONG_JSON_TABLE_VALUE; SQLSTATE: 2203F 报错 故障修复 远程处理

网络编程 MySQL Error number: 3666; Symbol: ER_WRONG_JSON_TABLE_VALUE; SQLSTATE: 2203F 报错 故障修复 远程处理 10-14


Error number: 3666; Symbol: ER_WRONG_JSON_TABLE_VALUE; SQLSTATE: 2203F

Message: Can’t store an array or an object in the scalar JSON_TABLE column ‘%s’

Error 3666 with the symbol ER_WRONG_JSON_TABLE_VALUE and the SQLSTATE code of 2203F is related to MySQL. This error occurs when an incorrect JSON value is given in the table column such as when an extra value, too many values, or a wrong type of value is used.

Common cases of this error are when a field requires an integer value yet a string is used. This error may also occur when an incorrect data type is used for the column. For example, giving a JSON string to an INT type column.

The proper resolution for this error is to correctly identify the data type for each column and make sure to use the correct data type in the field. For example, a JSON string should be used for JSON format columns and an INT type should be used for integer columns. If a specific field value is expected, verify that the value given is compatible with the data type specified.

