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ORA-38796: Not enough flashback database log data to undo FLASHBACK. ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

网络编程 ORA-38796: Not enough flashback database log data to undo FLASHBACK. ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理 10-14


ORA-38796: Not enough flashback database log data to undo FLASHBACK.

Cause: There was not enough flashback log data to undo the flashback so a flashback was not started.

Action: It is still possible to get to the restore target by doing a flashback until the resetlogs branch point of the restore target is reached. This can be done by executing multiple “flashback to before resetlogs” commands, or by doing a flashback to the exact time or SCN of the desired resetlogs branch point. Note that this flashback cannot be undone should an error occur. The only option is to complete the flashback.



• The database has no flashback database logging enabled.

• The FLASHBACK database feature requires sufficient free space in the undo tablespace for undo segments produced by the flashback operation.

• The database does not have enough flashback database logs available for the flashback operation.


1、数据库禁用了闪回数据库日志: 将 flashback_log_reuse_min_apply_lag 设置为 0 来禁用闪回数据库日志。

2、闪回数据库日志存储分区不足: 数据库中没有足够的闪回日志保留足够的时间进行补回操作。

3、在数据库中没有足够的可用空间来存储日志: 要闪回到之前的某个时间点,需要足够的可用空间来存储日志,否则将出现ORA-38496错误。


1、使能数据库闪回日志: 在数据库上执行 ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON 命令来使能数据库闪回日志;

2、重新配置闪回日志空间: 如果闪回数据库日志库存不足,需要增加闪回日志存储区域才能重新配置闪回日志;

3、检查闪回数据库日志使用状态: 执行 select * from V$flashback_database_log 命令查看数据库中Flashback Database Log的使用状态;

4、确定要闪回到某个时间点: 对要闪回的时间点进行确认,根据要闪回到的时间点来确定闪回数据库日志所需要的空间,以及所需要的时间等;

5、执行闪回数据库日志: 在数据库上执行 FLASHBACK DATABASE TO TIMESTAMP光标以完成数据库的闪回操作。

