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ORA-32303: mviews with user-defined types cannot reference multiple master sites ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

网络编程 ORA-32303: mviews with user-defined types cannot reference multiple master sites ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理 10-15


ORA-32303: mviews with user-defined types cannot reference multiple master sites

Cause: For materialized views with user-defined types, the definition query cannot reference tables from different master sites.

Action: Do not create materialized views with user-defined types referencing multiple master sites.

ORA-32303: mviews with user-defined types cannot reference multiple master sites是Oracle数据库在执行Materialized View(MV)语句时报出的异常错误,是由于MV语句包含有ORACLE包以及用户自定义的数据类型。而ORACLE数据库规则只允许MV语句只能引用一个主站(master site),不能引用多个主站实现同步操作。


ORA-32303: materialized views with user-defined types cannot reference multiple master sites

Cause: Oracle requires that materialized view definitions that use user-defined type references should be based on a single master site. All user-defined type references must be resolved with the maximum source of authority, which is in the master site.

Action: Rewrite the MV definition such that it does not reference more than one master site.


Oracle提供的user-defined types,包括用于控制标签(Tags)和列类型,以及用于管理接口和类型(Types)。当使用这些user-defined types引用MV时,ORACLE数据库会引发ORA-32303异常错误。


1. 确认MV语句是否正确,去除引用了多个主站的用户自定义类型。

2. 确认MV语句是否合法,检查语句是否符合ORACLE标准以及PSR标准;

3. 重写MV语句,将user-defined types合并或拆分成只引用一个主站;

4. 根据分析建议,确定重写后MV语句是否如预期,正确无误;

5. 执行重写后的MV语句,及检查MV结果是否正确;

6. 在对应的主站完成同步操作,完成MV的创建。

