ORA-56929: Ending an upgrade window failed ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理
ORA-56929: Ending an upgrade window failed
Cause: Ending an upgrade window failed or there were tables containing TSTZ data which have not been upgraded.
Action: Check alert or trace file for error(s) or complete upgrading of tables containing TSTZ data.
ORA-56929: Ending an Upgrade Window Failed
ORA-56929 is an Oracle error code which indicates that an attempt to end an upgrade window failed. The upgrade window consists of several steps taken to identify and patch any necessary fixes for Oracle databases.
Common Causes
This error can occur for several reasons, including the following:
– Attempting to end an upgrade window without sufficient privileges. Only certain users can end the upgrade window, and it’s possible that an attempt to end the window was made without the necessary privileges.
– Attempting to end an upgrade window with invalid parameters. This means that any attempt to end the upgrade window must include all the necessary parameters, otherwise the action will fail.
– The upgrade window was interrupted for some reason. The upgrade window can be aborted for various reasons, including system errors or manual intervention.
Solution Approach
To fix this issue, you must first identify the root cause. Each of the common causes can be verified quickly to determine their validity.
Once the root cause has been identified, it can be addressed. For example, if the issue is due to insufficient privileges, then you can grant the necessary privileges to the correct user. If the issue is due to invalid parameters, then you can review and revise the parameters accordingly. Lastly, if the issue is due to an interrupted upgrade window, then it may be necessary to restore the database in order to resume the upgrade window.
ORA-56929 indicates that an attempt to end an upgrade window failed. This error can occur for multiple reasons, including insufficient privileges, invalid parameters, and an interrupted upgrade window. To resolve this issue, it’s important to first identify the root cause and then address it accordingly. Depending on the cause, this could range from granting privileges, revising parameters, and/or restoring the database.