Oracle 等待事件 db file parallel read 官方解释,作用,如何使用及优化方法
Oracle事件 db file parallel read,是指在执行select请求时,数据超出内存限制或是select请求较大,Oracle引擎会请求多个Pio进程来并行从文件中读取数据,即所谓db file parallel read 事件。
该事件可以在AWR报告,V$SESSION_EVENT视图中进行查询,当发生db file parallel read事件时,表明db file parallel read事件被激活。查询可以查看等待时间,次数,总等待时间,实际读取的块数,等待超时次数,最大实际读取的块数,最小的实际读取的块数等等。
Oracle在执行db file parallel read事件时,尽量避免从硬盘上查找,而是让应用对缓存有一个扩大的视野,把访问热点表和索引数据放到clone caching功能中去,减少IO操作次数。
另外,可以通过其他监控工具观察db file parallel read 事件,从而了解系统性能,通过调整内存大小、查询的设计和优化技术来改善系统表现。
This happens during recovery. It can also happen during buffer prefetching, as an optimization (rather than performing multiple single-block reads). Database blocks that must be changed as part of recovery are read in parallel from the database.
Wait Time: Wait until all of the I/Os are completed
Parameter | Description |
files | This indicates the number of files to which the session is reading |
blocks | This indicates the total number of blocks to be read |
requests | This indicates the total number of I/O requests, which will be the same as blocks |