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网络编程 MySQL快速导入Excel数据(mysql导入excel数据) 10-18

Loading Excel Data into a MySQL Database

Excel is one of the most popular forms of data storage and is often used to store large volumes of data. Thankfully, MySQL provides an easy way to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into a database. With a few simple steps, data contained in an Excel spreadsheet can be loaded into a database, allowing for more efficient storage and analysis of the data.

The first step in importing data from an Excel spreadsheet into MySQL is to create a dedicated database for the imported data. The easiest way to do this is to use the MySQL Workbench GUI. Once the database has been created, the schema of the database must be defined. The schema should have the same names as the columns in the Excel spreadsheet, as this will be used to map the fields in the spreadsheet to the database table.

Next, the Excel file containing the data must be opened. In the data tab, select the “Table” option. This will allow the data to be imported into the database as a series of rows and columns. Select the option to import the table as a new table, and give the table a meaningful name. Once the table is created, it is ready to accept the imported data.

Now the data can be imported into the database. Open the command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the Excel file. Use the following command to load the Excel data into the database:


mysqlimport –local -u username -p database_name path_to_excel_file

This will import the data from the Excel file into the database. Once the data is imported, it can be queried and manipulated by the database, allowing for more efficient data analysis.

In conclusion, MySQL provides a convenient way to load data from Excel spreadsheets into a database. This is an easy process that can be completed with just a few simple commands in the command prompt. Utilizing this functionality allows for the efficient storage and manipulation of data in the database, making it easier to analyze the data and draw meaningful conclusions.

