Oracle 视图 V$THREAD 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明
Oracle 视图V$THREAD表具有用于跟踪当前数据库实例的多种线程的功能,V$THREAD能够显示出现在每个线程中的每条SQL语句,其视图中的每个字段都记录每个连接的信息。它们可以被用来监控正在操作此数据库实例的连接、服务器进程、会话以及数据库工作线程的状态、活动以及进程等。
1.查看线程:使用SELECT 查看V$THREAD视图,可以查看当前正在操作此数据库实例的连接、服务器进程、会话以及数据库工作线程的状态、活动以及进程等。
displays thread information from the control file. This view does not return meaningful results on a physical standby database. Column | Datatype | Description |
| Thread number |
| Thread status ( |
| Enabled status: |
| Number of log groups assigned to this thread |
| Instance name, if available |
| Last time the thread was opened |
| Current log group |
| Sequence number of current log |
| SCN at last checkpoint |
| Time of last checkpoint |
| SCN at which thread was enabled |
| Time of enable SCN |
| SCN at which thread was disabled |
| Time of disable SCN |
| Last redo sequence number written by LGWR |
| Last redo block written by LGWR |
| SCN of last redo for the thread |
| Time of last redo for the thread |
| The ID of the container to which the data pertains. Possible values include: